Monday, July 15, 2013


At first I was waiting for Joe to take his test. Then I was waiting for his score. He took it and he passed!  (Just like I knew he would). The waiting is over. And yet I still feel like I am waiting. Waiting for what I am not exactly sure. 

I am waiting for Joe to get home every night. I am waiting for this 8 weeks to be over and his next rotation to start. I am waiting for him to finish his third year and take Step 2. Waiting for all the studying to be done. Ha! Waiting for the residency application process to start. Waiting to match. 

On a much smaller scale I am waiting for 10 am so I can enjoy my daily soda.  Waiting for lunch time because then it is almost nap time. Waiting for dinner time so I can just sit down and hopefully enjoy my family's company. Waiting for bedtime. Waiting for the kids to fall asleep so I can enjoy some quiet down time. 

Waiting for church on Sunday, storytime on Monday and playdate on Wednesday and all the other fun plans in between. 

Waiting for the baby to finally pop out a tooth or two. Waiting for Charlotte to stay dry all night every night. Waiting for Isaiah to be brave enough to ride his bike without training wheels. Waiting for my hair to grow (so I can put in a pony tail once again).  Waiting for someone to wash my dirty dishes, do my laundry and clean my...I kid! A girl can dream, right?!

Truly I don't know what I am waiting for. Or why. What I do know is this waiting is no good. I need to live in the present for the present. Waiting for future isn't getting me anywhere. That seems obvious, right? And yet I wait. 


  1. Congratulations to Joe on a job well done! How exciting!

    I often have the feeling of waiting for the next thing. It is really bad when I have something in the evening. I can't seem to concentrate any tasks when I know something fun is coming. I guess I am just a big kid!

    1. I wish I felt like I was waiting for something exciting...instead it more "the sense of impending doom". Ok that sounded WAY more depressing than I intended it:) On a much brighter note, Charlotte is now diaper free. No more waiting for that!
