Wednesday, June 25, 2014

moving mountains

We are finally back at my parents' house after our 10 day camp/camping/visit relatives sojourn around Minnesota. And let me be the first to admit that I am currently laughing at my pre-move self of two weeks ago. Because two weeks ago I thought packing up and moving with children was hard. Ha! Want to know what is hard? Trying to unpack and squeeze your family of five into a house that is already occupied and filled with two decades worth of living. I have piles of boxes in the living room. More piles in our rooms. And MOUNTAINS of boxes in the garage. All of these boxes need to find more permanent homes that will allow my parents to still use their living room and park in their garage! Erg. This is far more challenging than I ever expected. Admittedly I am NOT a minimalist so the amount of stuff I deemed necessary to have out of storage is not helping this little situation. And I have a deadline too. This weekend the kids and I leave to join Joe on the road. We will be gone for 8 weeks. I presume my parents would like their house useable for those 8 weeks...

I will spare you the incredibly boring pictures of our boxes in their new home. Instead I will end with the photographic evidence that my grandparents' home is a magical place for children...

I almost forgot! This morning while Charlotte was talking on the phone with her daddy she asked if she could go home. When he said no (without missing a beat) she responded with, "Okay. Then I want to go to Disney."

Ha! Quite the negotiator already. Iowa will be just like Disney World...I am sure of it. 

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