Friday, June 10, 2016


Tonight I tucked my eight year old into his bed. Two times;-)

Tomorrow he will be NINE. 

As a child I thought turning ten was a big deal. Double digits and all that jazz. But as a parent I now know that nine is far more significant. 

Halfway to ADULTHOOD!!!

I honestly can not believe that we are halfway done raising this kid. I am amazed at how fast the past nine years has flown by. And I'm sure the next nine will be just as fast. Maybe faster? 

Today I am acutely aware that his childhood days are dwindling. So I'm doing my best to allow him to be little and enjoy simple things like playing with friends and lazy summer days. But at the same time I'm trying to teach him the value of hard work and responsibility. He tends to prefer the former and loathe the latter. But I gently explain to him that I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't teach him these things. Because that is the essence of motherhood isn't it? Raising children to be capable adults. 

And now that we are at the halfway mark I'm not sure we've done enough to prepare him for the future. But the good news is we have another nine years to get there! 

Tonight however was all about fun and simple childhood pleasures. Isaiah invited four friends over. There was pizza. Lots of pizza. A little random wrestling and throwing balls at each other. Because... boys:) Then Joe took the boys to an indoor arcade with laser tag and a laser maze. Finally they returned to our house for ice cream pie with choose your own toppings. Gummy bears, m&ms, sprinkles, cookies, mini marshmallows, chocolate syrup and cool whip galore!! I think the boys would have been happy with just that. But we had one last surprise for them. 

A water fight in the back yard. 

And those boys battled! For nearly an hour. Afterwards we returned them to their parents soaking wet and all sugared up! I think it was Isaiah's dream birthday party. It's going to be pretty hard to top that one. And yet it was simple and easy. As childhood should be. 

Now onto figuring out how to raise this kid to be a successful adult in the next nine years...

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