Sunday, December 21, 2014

At this point...

I just don't care if Isaiah's handwriting is legible or not on the gift tags for his teachers' Christmas gifts. Taking them off the gift in order to make it easier for him to write on just seemed to take too much effort. I am just dang proud of myself for actually assembling 6 teacher gifts before winter break began!!! Even if said gifts are mugs...probably the worst, most generic teacher gift ever:( Sorry teachers. It's the best I could muster up this year. We really do appreciate you! I am just too pregnant to really try...

Now pajama day is something I can fully support and rally behind these days:) Charlotte clearly fully supported it as well in her elf-like jammies. Perfect for delivering her teacher gifts! Yep. More mugs. 

Speaking of pajamas....I just don't care if I look like a slob. These sweat pants are COMFY! I have reached a point in this pregnancy where everything is tight and uncomfortable. And most shirts aren't long enough. And I just don't care. In fact tonight I made Joe pull out some of his old college hoodies for me. This is a new fashion low for even me - the girl with very little style. And I don't care. 

(Although I will try my darnedest to look presentable for all family Christmas celebrations...after that it's back to sweats and hoodies). 

Despite my very blasé attitude lately there is one thing I really do care about at the moment and that is the fact that I (somehow miraculously) managed to complete all 100 hours of my required CME hours. The fact that I had 2 YEARS to complete them and waited for the last 30 days to do so is completely irrelevant. Not an important detail at all. I get to remain a certified PA for 2 more years!! That's the important fact. It felt like a major victory last night at 11 pm when I logged my final hours. I might just read something non-medical for fun now. I mean why start my next round of CME so soon?! Clearly procrastinating works out alright too:)

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