Friday, April 27, 2018

RIP Naps

I'm not sure how it happened exactly. I didn't really see it coming to be honest.  It was a slow slide. And then all of a sudden it was here.

Life without naps.

(An actual picture of one of Levi’s last naps...taken under the door with my phone. I wanted to know if he fell asleep but I didn’t want to open the door.)

And to be completely honest I'm not sure I like this nap-less life.

Sure its great that my schedule is so much more flexible. Afternoon play date? Sure! Stay at the beach all day? Of course! Quick trip to the grocery store before school pick up? I mean sure I could do that. I don't but I could. So much flexibility.

Sounds good in theory. But the reality is that I have a very whiney needy three year old boy on my hands ALL OF THE TIME! But at the same time I can not for the life of me get him to nap. And when he does nap he stays up WAY WAY past his bedtime. Such a catch 22. The proverbial rock and a hard place. I'm there.

Send help.

Okay its not THAT bad. He's awfully cute too.  But I am struggling with parenting this perpetually slightly overly tired three year old. I know its a phase. It won't last forever. But for now I miss naps. And cribs that contain napping children.

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