Saturday, January 30, 2016

Levi's ONE!

Happy FIRST Birthday Levi! You have been such a dream baby for me. I've loved (almost) every minute of your infancy. So thank you. Thank you for allowing me such a sweet last run as a mother of a baby. Thank you for letting me cherish and enjoy it all one last time. And though I'm sad that it's over I'm so excited to see who you become as a kid. Well, toddler first of course. 

But if I could bottle you up right now I totally would. You have the prettiest blue eyes and the softest blonde baby hair. And your smile melts my heart. You are so happy and easy going. Everywhere we go people mention your good looks and happy demeanor and I couldn't agree more! You aren't anywhere close to walking or talking. And I'm perfectly content with that. It keeps you little a little longer. You babble constantly. Your most infamous babbling sound is "bu-ba" which is how you've come to be known as Bubba around here. And the name fits. I think you will be stuck with that one for a good long time. You also say mama and dada. Dada more than you are turning into quite the daddy's boy. Your eyes light up when he walks in the door and you chase/crawl after him until he picks you up. It's pretty adorable to see how determined you are to get into your daddy's arms. 

It's hard to believe that one year ago we were in middle of a long, cold Minnesota winter. You came home from the hospital in a cozy one-piece fleece outfit. Today it's a nice, warm, sunny Texas "winter" day. Your outfit is still a one piece. Except today it's a light-weight short sleeved romper. We hope to hit up the beach and playground. Two of your favorite places! A year ago I couldn't have imagined life in Texas. Just like I couldn't imagine YOU as a toddler. But low and behold here we Texas on the brink of toddlerhood with you my sweet boy. Though some things stay the same. Just as daddy missed your birth last year, he won't be with us today for your birthday either. And that's ok. We know he wants to be with us. We will save your first cupcake for tomorrow when he is home.  For today he will help the sick and the hurt. They need him more than we do today. 

Enough about daddy. We've got some partying to do. And some sunshine to soak up! Because YOU deserve to be celebrated! 

We love you Levi Joseph! 

And now because my dear wise friend is so much more eloquent than me, I leave you with her (blatantly) plagiarized words in regards to baby's first birthday:

When you are handed a baby you believe it is yours to keep. It's so confusing to my mother's heart and mind to have my children perpetually disappearing and transforming into something else, someone new, mysterious and beautiful. I cry for the void baby Levi has left and I rejoice in the new vibrant toddler Levi that will (almost) fill that void. 

Gah. Exactly that. 

P.S. We didn't need to party all night last night buddy...sleep would have been nice too. I guess you just wanted to enjoy every minute of your first birthday!

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