Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Yesterday a group of us resident spouses and residents went horseback riding on the beach. With Joe still on MICU that meant I had to line up a babysitter. (Which is something I never do!) But I moved heaven and earth to make it happen or so it felt. And it was so completely worth it! 

I have always LOVED horseback riding. And it was so fun! I mean riding a horse in the ocean?!? Come on! But the best part was spending an uninterrupted afternoon with friends. These ladies have basically carried me through residency. They have hung out with me at all hours of the day and night. They've played with my kids. They've listened to me laugh, cry and complain. (I've done too much of the last one lately). They have supported me through some of the longest, hardest and loneliest months (almost years!) of my life. I'd be lost without them. So horseback riding with them on the beach was pretty much a dream come true. (Except in my dream my horse was talking to me and in reality Roman did not speak;-)


  1. Oohhhhhhh, I wanna go too!!!!! So beautiful and you look like a super tan gorgeous horse model. Are horse models a thing? Like to sell horses? Lol. "You're so cute on a horse!" is the bottom line here.😂

    1. You are too kind!!! Oh my goodness. That tan. It's a perpetual thing for me now. Which I would have LOVED in my twenties but now all I see is SKIN DAMAGE and AGING!!! 😬😬
