
Thursday, August 13, 2015

One of those days

Ever have one of those days when you want to wave the white flag of surrender before lunch time rolls around because your three year old is clearly ruling the roost? But you can't because it's another 8+ hours before your co-parent returns. So instead you take the wild child + siblings out to run errands because you know YOU will be forced to behave civilly regardless of the children's behavior. And then upon your return home you allow the children to have a leftover birthday cake FREE FOR ALL just so you can indulge in a mid-day bowl of ice cream without hiding in the bathroom. And then as a last ditch effort to save this miserable cry and scream filled day you pack a picnic supper and all the swim gear and take the children for an evening swim because it is still 3 hours until your knight in blue scrubs returns? And then once you are already in the pool with all four children you notice that your swimsuit is inside out? And like the icing on the cake you run into one of your husband's colleagues at the EXACT moment the baby tries to pull down your swim suit top and the three year old runs out of the bathroom bottom-less asking to be wiped. Ever have one of those days?


Me neither ;-)


  1. Oh my goodness Bear.....I feel like that was my day every day this month....I love how you put that all into words...perfection♡♡♡

    1. Thanks friend. I can't imagine YOU having a day like that. You seem so much better at having it together than me:) But I'm glad to know I'm in good company.

  2. Oh my goodness Bear.....I feel like that was my day every day this month....I love how you put that all into words...perfection♡♡♡
