
Monday, March 30, 2015

Levi: 8 weeks

Likes: his fuzzy gray blanket (especially against his face), his wubbanub, staring at lights in the ceiling, flying on airplanes (lulls him right to sleep! He only made a single peep on each flight to and from Chicago. Thank goodness!), standing on my lap and holding his head up like a big boy, being held & snuggled like the sweet baby he is.

Dislikes: eating and sleeping with a stuffy nose, being in his carseat when it is not moving, getting shots! 

Quirks & Habits: He is quite the smiley boy these days. However he tends to look past me and smile at the wall! Still ridiculously cute. 

He is still a spitter upper. He doesn't spit up after every feeding. Mostly at night...all over my bed! And without fail he spits up all over me immediately AFTER I shower and get dressed. And yet I rarely change into a new clean outfit. Its a good thing I don't get out of the house much.

Reasons why I am currently smitten with him: This one feels like a cop out but I promise it isn't! Every day I fall more in love with this boy as I watch his siblings love and adore him. It's the sweetest. Hannah multiple times a day tells me "I want to keep dis baby". (I'm glad she feels that way...because he's clearly here to stay!)  And holding Levi is the first thing Charlotte & Isaiah want to do in the morning as well as the last thing at night along with many times in between. One night Isaiah even came to bed early just to have extra time holding Levi. (Typically I hold Levi while reading the girls' bedtime stories, but that night Isaiah took that job.) Charlotte will even hold him while he is fussy if I REALLY need to get something make dinner or clean up someone's potty accident! Its funny. During this pregnancy I was worrried that this fourth child would somehow off balance our family. And now 8 weeks in I can clearly see those worries were silly. Instead this fourth child has balanced our family. He makes us complete in ways I didn't even realize we weren't complete.


  1. So sweet to see the big kids love on him!!

    1. I agree. It's so sweet. They adore him so much they are already talking about our NEXT baby!

  2. Awww, this post made me happy! :)

    1. I'm glad...because there are a lot more like this one coming. Oh every 4 weeks or so;-)
