
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

friends and stuff

I will be the first to admit that I am SO VERY EXCITED to say goodbye to winter for THREE YEARS!!! Its pretty much all I have been dreaming about since we opened that envelope last Friday. I spend far too much time studying the 10 day forecast for our future residence....because it is just so dang beautiful! I can barely wrap my mind around the idea of mid-seventies in mid March. What?!! That's craziness. Craziness I am excited to embrace. Mentally I have a list a mile long of things we will NOT be moving with us. Like snow pants and boots and mittens and really thick sweaters. Sleds. Shovels. Snow shoes. Just about a month ago I was uber frustrated with Isaiah for losing his snow pants. Now? Who cares! See ya later snow pants. It was nice knowing you. No need for those in Texas!

I can hardly wait to embrace life in Texas. Sunshine and warmth. Flip flops and swim suits. (Well admittedly my post partum body isn't quite ready for swim suits but mentally I am ready.) I have a theory that mothers of young children that live in warm climates are happier than us moms that have to endure winter. I am excited to test out this theory. I mean getting outside every day without bundling up like an eskimo?! That just sounds heavenly. 

However all this sunshine and warmth comes at a price. And that price is leaving all our family and friends. Taking our children and uprooting them yet again!  It isn't going to be easy. Saying goodbye never is. Even when we know it's what has to be done. In the long run it is the best thing for our family. 

See. The thing is these friends have been supporting us for a long time...

They've been cheering us on. And loving our kids like they are their own since each one was a baby. Friends like these don't come along every day. 


We've been blessed beyond measure by these friends. And while I'm excited for this next adventure I'm sad to be moving so far away from these friend. My people.  Friends that feel like family.


  1. Seriously, this post brings up so much emotion. We are going to miss you guys like CRAZY!!! But we will still be cheering you on even from 1,392 miles away!! (yes, I googled it) It's only a 19 hour 57 minute drive (plus a few potty breaks.) Totally doable!

    1. That's TOO many miles!!! Good thing we have the beach to lure you to us;-)
