
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Family Pictures: Christmas Card 2016 Edition

A few weeks ago I convinced a friend to take our family pictures for our Christmas cards this year. In exchange for her photography services I fed her and her husband dinner! It was a pretty sweet deal. I mean I make dinner every night anyways so what's two extra mouths to feed? Plus she (naively) thought it would be fun...hahahahahahaha! Weeks later and I'm still laughing about that. So on a hot Friday afternoon we all got dressed in our Christmas attire and attempted to look winter-y while sweating profusely in the Texas heat and humidity. It was loads of fun:)

 Ok so there were some less than pleasant moments. But honestly overall it went very well. And its largely due to this girl...

She loves my kids and is so incredibly patient with them...and ME! Pictures always stress me out and I turn into a slightly crazy person. But not so much this year. Having a friend there definitely helped. Thanks friend:) And now onto all the great moments she captured for us.

And my FAVORITE family picture that made it onto the card this year...

And these next individual pictures of the kids I absolutely LOVE. They capture each child so well right now.

But THE BEST picture of the afternoon came when we attempted to get a picture of the four kids together. Here is the backstory: Hannah is notoriously our least cooperative child for picture taking (and life in general?!?). So when she suggested I hold her during pictures I immediately agreed! If it meant she would cooperate I would do it. And I did. I held her in every single family picture we took that afternoon (see above). I held her even though she is 4 years old and quite heavy and I was sweating profusely. I held her in my 6 inch wedges and smiled. And she smiled too! It was all going beautifully...until I set her down for a sibling picture....

And then she was MAD! And not just a little bit mad. Like really, really mad. Mad enough to not cooperate for every single sibling picture we took.

And even though that is not at all how I imagined the sibling picture turning out I kinda love it too! Its real life. So we embraced it and included this picture/greeting combo on our card this year:

And tonight while I was reading my kids' a bedtime story and stumbled upon the following description of family pictures I laughed out loud and then took a picture of the book to send to my friend/photographer.

Its as if the author was at MY FAMILY PICTURE SESSION THIS YEAR. So true. So funny. And yet I make my kids do it every year.

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