
Friday, October 28, 2016

School pictures

It's that time of year again. Time for forced (somewhat) awkward smiles and stiff unnatural poses with terrible low quality backgrounds. All in the name of documenting a moment in time with the purpose of representing an entire school year. School pictures. I swear moms and kids both dread them. Yet I can not NOT get them. Because I know in a few years I will love looking back at my kids and how little they are/were. Awkward smiles and all. So without further ado I present my kids' 2016-2017 school pictures...

Admittedly the girls' pictures are slightly less awkward than Isaiah's. A perk of homeschooling I guess. Since these pictures were taken (or if I'm being Southern "made") Charlotte has lost two bottom teeth and her entire smile has changed. And Isaiah has quit spiking his hair (probably a good decision). Hannah still sports that same mischievous grin daily:)

And since Levi had never had a professional picture taken he participated in school picture day as well...

20 months. Better late than never! Though "professional" might be too generous a term for a photo shoot at your local mall chain department store. He would not cooperate unless he was holding that doggy stuffed animal. I'm glad I brought it along at the last second because he looks adorable and so sweet! But do not be fooled...

^THIS is a much more accurate "school picture" for Levi. He's cute. AND destructive. He created this mess/masterpiece while I was in the kitchen cleaning up a mess he had just made. Then while I was cleaning off and putting Hannah's backpack away he did this...

This is how he really looks at "school". That is why I've modified our school schedule a bit. As in our formal school hours mostly consist of the hours that Levi is sleeping. (For obvious reasons.) Mornings are a little more relaxed around here nowadays. I've joined a second "Mommy & Me" exercise group. This one meets at parks around town twice a week. And now we have LOTS of PE class each week between Zumba and Mommy & Me. 

And I hate to admit it but Joe was/is right, I do feel better now that I'm exercising regularly. On non-exercise days I feel sluggish and just "blah". It's like I've turned into a fitness person or something! I actually look forward to the days my classes meet. Never thought that would happen. Now before I give the impression that I'm a completely changed person I will admit that typically the first thing I do when I get home from working out is crack open my Pepsi. It tastes even better after exercise;) 

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