
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Homeschool Update

Homeschooling. How's it going? Good question. Ok. I think. Some days are super easy and fun. And some days are ridiculously hard and I daydream about driving over to our neighborhood public school and dropping all my kids off! That's normal, right?!? I've definitely discovered which subjects are my childrens' favorites and which are not. Actually Hannah likes them all. She's just excited to learn! She's soaking it up like a sponge. Big sister on the other hand has BIG opinions on school. And I've learned to start with the least favorite subject and work our way towards her favorites. Keeps her motivated. Most days:) But overall I know that in a year or two when I'm not homeschooling anymore (because likely this is a temporary solution for our family) I will look back at this year fondly. The year I got to spend extra time with my girls (and tag along little brother of course)! A little bonus year before things got crazy with all my kids in school. 

(Side note: I bought a new-to-me coffee table. And I LOVE it!!! It was for the children of course...they needed more work space. ;-) )

The one thing I'm struggling with homeschooling is finding the time to do my regular life stuff in the middle of teaching school. Cleaning the house (even just the bare minimum cleaning!), doing laundry and grocery shopping all seem impossible (but necessary) to keep up with. I envisioned all this time to do housework while my girls worked independently. Ha! Preschool and first grade requires A LOT of hands-on instruction and sometimes near constant redirection.  The laundry I've managed to squeeze in here and there. But the cleaning has been largely left to Joe. Lucky guy. He gets to work all day and then come home and clean up after me and the kids:). Today I did just a little cleaning before our school day started. I swept the floors because I was tired of having crumb covered floors and feet. And as a bonus I found a wrapped and delicious caramel! Cleaning never tasted so good before. Maybe I should do more of the cleaning. Maybe...

Lastly I've changed how I grocery shop. Because Walmart has FREE grocery pickup. And its AMAZING! Life changing. Or at least life improving. Seriously. I love it. Admittedly I was a bit reluctant but also incredibly desperate when I first tried it. But I'm here to say it's great. And I have no complaints...three orders later. Here's how it works. You place your order online (I use my phone). The website is easy and very user friendly. When you place your order you choose your pick up time (it gives you a one hour window). Then at your chosen pick up time you drive to the store and park in the designated stalls. And here's the BEST part: you stay in your vehicle and a Walmart employee brings your order to you and loads it into your vehicle! For FREE. 

I personally recommend enjoying your favorite beverage while picking up your groceries. And if you want to impress your children let them come along just as they are - no shoes, unbrushed hair, pjs on - and watch the magic grocery shopping happen. Seriously my kids thought it was magical. The BEST ERRAND EVER according to them. And I have to agree. It's significantly decreased my stress level by taking one thing off my plate. Oh and it's not just groceries you can order. I've gotten diapers, windshield wipers, toothpaste, a bike tire and other random stuff along with my groceries. Walmart is NOT paying me to write any of this. I promise. I'm just a very happy customer. (And prior to free grocery pick up Walmart was NOT my preferred grocery store but I'm hooked now). 

So if you want to try it out and you want $10 off your first order (of $30+) follow this link:

Or don't. I just had to share. Because I absolutely love it. Now it's time to get back to school for me and the girls. 

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