
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

I'm The kids and I have officially been gone from home/on the road for 4 weeks (+2 days) now. During this time there have been many random things I've wanted to write about but just haven't. I stumbled across this blog link up and I am thinking maybe this will be a way for me to get some of those thoughts out of my head and typed up. Maybe. It's worth a shot. 

What we are eating this week...

Whatever my mom serves us. Which really has been the theme for this entire trip. We eat what our gracious hosts serve. And I'm not complaining one bit! This break from cooking has been lovely. My children on the other hand have had a few less than kind things to say in regards to the food they have been served. I get it. It's different than what they are used to. But it's been a real eye opener in regards to teaching manners as their mother. Or the lack thereof. I'm sorry to anyone we've offended in the past four weeks. I swear I'm trying to raise respectful human beings. And thank you to everyone who has opened their home to us and fed us. It's no small undertaking! I really appreciate it. Going back to planning and preparing and serving 3 meals a day to my family is going to be hard...we have been spoiled!

What I'm reminiscing about...

This one is easy! After a week in Wisconsin I can't help but reminisce about our first home (that we purchased and renovated while living in it). It's more than just the house though. It's about life then versus now. 

Though I didn't realize it then, life was so much simpler. We moved into this house with just one infant and we left four years later with two kids. During those four years we not only renovated the house but I completed graduate school and worked my first year as a Physician Assistant. Joe was working his first job out of college as a banker. It was here his dream of becoming a doctor began. And he pursued that dream by going back to college. His acceptance into medical school is what took us from this home. We made good friends while living in that house. It was really where we became us. Or at least the us that includes kids and careers. And finding a way to blend it all together. 

What I'm loving...

Summer in the Midwest. It's beautiful! I'd forgotten how lovely 80 degree days with evenings in the 70s and 60s are. Every time someone here mentions how hot it is outside or that it's too hot to be outside I'm always surprised. Because I haven't once thought it was too hot! I guess I'm used to the Texas heat and humidity. 

What we've been up to...

Beyond visiting as many friends and family as possible. And doing as much as possible. Not much. The kids have unfortunately all taken turns being sick. Nothing major. Honestly I think they are worn out from all the fun we have been having. 

Isaiah has picked up a new hobby this summer. Whittling. And I love it because as a child I whittled. I even pulled out my knife collection to show him. My cool factor increased 10x in his eyes this summer! 

What I'm dreading...

Driving back to Texas next week!!! That's it. I miss my husband. If it weren't for him I might just choose to stay here indefinitely. Just because I survived 1400 miles alone with my kids once doesn't mean I can do it again! Plus originally the plan was to have my dad help drive us back. Due to schedule conflicts that's not going to happen. So it's me and the kids once again. And this time I'd like to do the drive in two to three days. Not five. Did I mention I miss my husband?

What I'm Working on...

Setting up plans for when we return to Texas. Nothing major. Just little things to look forward to because I'm afraid regular life will be a little bit of a disappointment after all the fun we've been having. First up will be Hannah's 4th birthday party. She's dreaming of real ponies and princesses. I'm planning sprinklers and water games. Maybe a piƱata too. Yup. Real life is going to be a bummer. 

What I'm excited about...

My sister and her family drove into town last night! I'm excited to spend time with my sister (it's been 6 months!). And I'm excited for my kids to get some time with their cousins. It's going to be a great way to end our time back "home". 

What I'm watching/reading...

Nothing. My parents own two tvs. Neither are plugged in or connected to cable. Plus there is no time for tv. As far as reading goes when I first arrived in Minnesota I was feeling ambitious so I took the kids to the library and we stocked up on good free reading material. My children have devoured all of  their books meanwhile I made it through the preface of one Jodi Piccoult novel. Why I thought I would have time to read on this trip...I don't know!!

What I'm listening to...

Five little boys playing. Tractors and trucks. Balls. And nerf guns. At the moment its pretty peaceful. 

What I'm wearing...

The same six outfits over and over and over again. I might have slightly under packed for myself and overpacked for my children. But it's really made things easy. I just grab the clean outfit on top of my duffel bag and go. My friend did give me one of her tank tops on this trip. It's been nice having one "new" clothing item. 

What I'm doing this weekend...

This will be our last weekend in Minnesota so of course we are going out with a bang! In addition to spending time with my sister and her family my aunt and cousins will be joining us for a day. I have a dinner with high school youth group friends. And lastly a mini reunion with the same friends + our kids. 

What I'm looking forward to next month...

Seeing my husband in person. FaceTime is a wonderful thing but it's just not the same.

What else is new...

Not much. I'm all out of thoughts. Until next time:)

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