
Saturday, July 2, 2016

We made it!

And as Isaiah said, "It was an epic week long cross country sleepover"!!! It kinda was. Night 1 & 2 were spent in Dallas with my cousin and her fabulous family. 

Night number 3 was spent in a hotel near Joplin Missouri. And finally last night was spent with good friends in Iowa. 

Cal and his "characters" & brothers. That sweet two year old (on the right) decided the characters were coming to visit. And I think he was right. We are quite the cast of characters:)

And finally tonight shortly before sunset the kids and I rolled into Minnesota!!!

And we were all so excited to be back!! It's been 389 days since we left. Once we were in Minnesota Charlotte told me she was "so happy her eyes were crying". Sweet girl misses Minnesota and family something fierce.  

Just before we pulled up to my parents house I told my sister (on the phone) "we are almost home". My kids heard this and freaked out. They thought I had tricked them and brought them back to Texas!


  1. Oh, my gosh! I always say we're "home" when we travel back to where my husband and I grew up...and my kids get soooooo confused! Brave woman driving all that way with 4 kids on your own! I did a 6 hour trip with my 4 and managed to do it without stopping (I was so afraid to stop!!!).

    1. I unfortunately have LOTS of practice driving with kids. Except last year we have never lived in our hometown! This though was by far the longest distance I've done solo!
