
Monday, July 11, 2016

House Tour: Guest Bedroom

A little over a year ago when Joe drove down to Texas to find us a home I sent him with a list of must haves in order for us to consider purchasing a house. It was a short but very important list. One item on that list was 4 bedrooms. We wanted a fourth bedroom so we could have a guest room and house visitors easily. Our family of six can (and does!) easily fit in three bedrooms so the fourth bedroom is an extra. And since we live far, far away from family and friends we have used our guest room often! I'm so glad my husband understood the importance of the fourth bedroom and passed on any house with three bedrooms. With our budget we could have had a much newer (nicer?) home if we would have considered three bedrooms and our realtor showed Joe a few. But we opted for older and more space. And most of the time I'm glad we made that decision. Because while couches and air mattresses work...having a designated space for guests makes opening our home to others easy. 

Here it is...our guest bedroom with an attached bathroom:

It's nothing special to look at. But it's served us (and our guests) well! Clearly it needs a little more decorating as it is quite blah. Someday. Maybe. 

We are very loosely going for a beach theme. For most of the year that we've lived here that meant we painted the bathroom aqua and....nothing else. A few days before these pictures were taken I went on a small shopping spree at my new favorite store (Burlington Coat Factory) and got a few "beachy" things for this space. That's why there are still tags on the bathroom items:)

Joe and I made that wall hanging from a pallet. It's pretty much the only decorating we have done. What this space lacks in character it makes up in functionality. As I mentioned in the bedrooms tour post, we all live on the main floor of our home. However this room is on the second floor. Meaning our guests have a separate and private space. It's perfect. I couldn't have designed it better myself. And as a real bonus there is a fifth bedroom upstairs too! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we would have five bedrooms. But we do! And we love it. 

Here's a peak into the fifth bedroom:

And a peak is all I'm going to show because clearly it's our catch all room! It's basically the equivalent of what I would normally put in our basement. Sewing area. Futon for even more house guests! Legos. Legos. Legos. A closet full of craft supplies. And a pile of stuff waiting to go in our next garage sale. I sure miss having a basement. But I'm glad we have this space. 


  1. Visiting from the blog hop--I think the room is perfect for guests! and I love the real photos of the fifth bedroom!

  2. Visiting from the blog hop--I think the room is perfect for guests! and I love the real photos of the fifth bedroom!
