
Sunday, April 6, 2014

the nitty gritty (of "spring" break)

We had a fabulous week. Too much too mention it all, but there are some highlights (and a few lowlights) that I just didn't want to forget. So in sequential order here they are:

  • We stopped at the zoo on the way there and ate lunch with an Aardvark. Isaiah thought this was fabulous! 

Part rat. Part pig. (According to Isaiah)

  • Hannah was far less impressed. Which meant she stayed in her stroller for the duration of the zoo expedition. This arrangements was just fine by this outnumbered and weary traveling mama.

  • Eventually we made it to our destination. I was thrilled to be there! So were the big kids. Unfortunately Hannah was TERRIFIED of our friends' ferocious guard dog...and cried much of the first evening:(  In theory dogs are Hannah's favorite animal. Not so much in reality.


  • We moms treated ourselves to crafting and playing cards (and a few snacks) after the kids went to bed each night. And this time we made something for ourselves. EARRINGS. Oh and we talked baby names. My favorite subject! Seriously a perfect post kid bedtime evening in my opinion.

Aren't they fun?
Metal cutouts (ie filigree) can be found at Swanky Adornments.
(And they are super cheap and easy to make! I promise.)

  • I had the opportunity to meet TWO online friends/people I stalk but do not actually know. Yes, it was awkward (at first). But FUN. And encouraging. And good. They are both married to medical residents and have walked this life I am living now. I just wish our visits had been longer. That and I wish Hannah had not thrown an entire roll of toilet paper in the (used but not flushed) toilet at McDonalds during one of the meet-ups. I could have lived without THAT experience!

  • I also was able to reconnect with many real friends. That was good too. But it makes me want to move back. Like tomorrow. Which isn't happening. Charlotte's highlight of all these reconnections was my friend's fancy toilet paper. She thought it was "so pretty" with it's imprinted butterflies. So pretty she had to call me in and show me! Glad I didn't miss that detail:)

  • Sleeping all together in one room can be quite an adventure. The last night there I woke to Charlotte crying for help at some time in middle of the night. The exact time? My best guess: half past dark o'clock. And most definitely too early to get up! I turned on the bedside lamp and the bulb immediately burnt out. Such a bummer. So in total darkness I stumbled to help her on the air mattress. She wasn't there. Instead I found her with her head wedged under my bed, completely stuck! I wiggled her out and re-settled her in bed. All without waking her siblings! She still claims her head was stuck under our suitcase. It wasn't. Just stuck between the tile floor and bed:) No real damage done. 

  • I love THREE YEAR OLDS. They are just the cutest ever.

These picture were spontaneous.
Just a couple three year olds being adorable!

  • And their creativity makes me happy. Charlotte and her partner-in-crime...errr...I mean playmate, decided his closet was an airplane and they were going to visit grandma and baby Jesus and his mommy. Too much cuteness!! And sweetness. 

  • The last day, during our last hour (of our five day visit) Hannah decided she actually liked the dog and pet him! She was proud of herself. If only that had happened sooner in the week! That would have been helpful.

  • On the way home I missed the exit to avoid the tollways (because a certain boy child of mine was whining for MORE FOOD and I wasn't paying attention to the road). When I was paying the toll ($2.80!!!) Charlotte asked what I was doing. I tried my best to explain the (ridiculous) system. In the end I told her it was like a ride at an amusement park and she better enjoy it!  She wasn't impressed. And neither was I when I had to pay another 90¢ to exit!

She did however entertain me with knock knock jokes. 

C: Knock Knock. 
Me: Who's there?
C: Tree. 
Me: Tree who?
C: Aren't you glad you didn't go to the grocery store? (Uncontrollable 3 year old laughter here.) 
Isaiah: That doesn't even make sense! Charlotte why are you laughing? It isn't even funny. 
C: (continues to laugh)

  • Oh and that snow that was in the forecast? It arrived the morning we were making our departure. Ugh. I was sad to leave friends but happy to leave the snow behind. 

  • Joe did a great job of buckling down and being the studious med student while we were gone. I just wish he had taken a break to scrub our filthy floors! Maybe next time:) However I was pleasantly surprised to discover how little dirty laundry he produced while we were gone. 5 undershirts. 5 pairs of socks. 5 pairs of underwear. That's it. Surgery has its perks. Mainly less laundry for me!

Today we decided to forgo naps and visited daddy on L&D.
Sugar was a good substitute for sleep until this evening.
Then we all fell apart...


  1. It was a SUPER fun visit, and it went by far to quickly!! I seriously can't hardly stand the cuteness in the pictures of Charlotte and Max! What sweet memories of those to this week. Thanks for choosing our place as your spring vacation destination! You are always welcome!!!

    1. sweet memories of those "two" not to.

    2. We can't thank you enough for opening your home to us! And you know we will be back:) Especially once that baby arrives!
