
Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Before having kids I didn't celebrate this greenest of green holidays. I am not Irish. And I don't drink. So no real reason to commemorate it. Well I am still not Irish and I still don't drink BUT I have these three cute little kids that love celebrations of any kind. Total game changer. Nowadays we all wear green. We make leprechaun traps. Eat green food (and beverages). Have silly scavenger hunts. And I of course take too many pictures. A good time is had by all...well most.

The leprechaun trap was a school project for Isaiah this year. I love it. We pretty much let Isaiah do what he wanted with it and we just assisted on the hard parts. He knew he wanted a rainbow and a pot of gold and lots of shiny stuff to attract a little leprechaun. At the last minute he decided to add a 'DO NOT ENTER' sign because leprechauns are known for breaking rules. Ha! He brought his trap in on Friday. Now we are just waiting to see if he caught a leprechaun or not...

This is what the kids woke up to this morning for breakfast. Fun and easy! My kind of holiday celebration.

Full disclosure: this picture was taken last night. So the kids woke up to this scene minus the green milk. The milk was in the fridge because this momma does NOT wake up before the kids! Thankfully Charlotte was so excited to find the breakfast treat that she ran and told me before they poured their bowls of cereal SO I was able to tell her about the green milk in the fridge:) I totally lucked out! (Yes, the big kids get their own breakfast in the morning. Baby girl and I like our beauty sleep and they do NOT!)

I think they liked it! Before I could drop off a majorly sugared up Isaiah at school we had to get our green gear on and snap a few pictures. Hannah slept through all this excitement which made picture taking so much easier. It also means she didn't get to experience her first sugary breakfast cereal! Don't worry I ate two bowls for her:)

Once Hannah was awake and fed (a plain bagel), I attempted taking some festive pictures with her...

Clearly she was not liking this photo shoot. Maybe because I made her wear the same green shirt as last year?!? (Looks like Joe and Isaiah wore the same shirts last year too. Who knew?!) And apparently my camera had had enough too...

We called it quits and headed to the library. I can only torture my children for so long:)
Much happier at the library. This girl is NOT a homebody!
While at the library I was going to text Joe asking him for a selfie of him at the hospital to include in our Saint Patrick's Day photo fun, but I didn't. And lo and behold, upon our arrival home we found Joe in bed....festive-ish attire already discarded for the day! Apparently I passed on my very unpleasant GI illness (from Saturday) to him. I'm a real nice wife like that:)  Oops. Now I am just waiting (dreadfully) for the kids to get sick...

Looking on the bright side, because Joe is home early I won't have to load up the girls to pick up Isaiah from school. It sounds like such a small thing. But in my world that is HUGE. Also Joe woke up long enough to overhear this little pre-lunch conversation I had with Charlotte...
Me: Charlotte did you flush the toilet and wash your hands?
C: Yes mama. I washed my hands because there was poopy on them. Right here.
Me: Oh! Did you go poopy?
C: No.
Me: Then why did you have poopy on your hands?
C: It was Hannah's poopy. From her diaper.


  1. Lol. I've said it once and I will say it again: you never disappoint. I always laugh at least once. Cute idea with the lucky charms. I didn't even tell Rex about St. Patricks day. Maybe when he gets a little older.

    1. Last year was the first time we celebrated. Before that we just wore green:)

  2. Your Aunt Rose says you do have some Irish in you...

    1. Well probably not enough to justify a celebration:)
