
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The writing on the wall.

I think it is time for me to be honest with myself. Charlotte is NOT a napper anymore. Its a truth I don't want to face. It means the loss of two uninterrupted hours every afternoon. My alone time is gone. It feels like the end of an era. Ok. Ok. That might be a bit dramatic. But I really REALLY love nap time. And I am going to miss it. A LOT!
Hannah on the other hand is going to LOVE having the room to herself. She is NOT going to miss her sister keeping her up all afternoon. Singing and talking. And she certainly isn't going to miss having her sister torment her by filling her crib with every toy in their room instead of sleeping.

Charlotte was quite proud of herself. Hannah was NOT impressed.

Sorry baby girl. I was fast asleep across the hall and completely oblivious to your distress. For being a screamer you can be really quiet at the oddest times.
Luckily Grandpa Paul and Grandma Donna are here this week. They will definitely be a big help for me with this new non-nap schedule...and of course the kids love having them around too!

Update: This is day two of Charlotte not napping. She does have a rest time for one hour in my bed. It's going well.
Especially today because I joined her:)


  1. Replies
    1. Really big bummer. I was hoping she would nap until she was 4! A mom can dream, right?!?

  2. I think a tiny part of me will die when Rex gives up his nap. I have given up on the dream that Sydney ever will take one, and a small part of me did die with that dream. Ha!

    1. Don't give up hope quite yet...Hannah didn't nap well until after her first birthday...

  3. Bear you should post that picture of your mom and the girls on facebook, they all look so pretty :)

    1. I am being serious, I think it's a really nice picture of your mom and the girls are always adorable!

    2. Well I am not sure she was so fond of the picture:) But I think it's cute too!
