
Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas 2013 Celebration, part 2

Also the last Christmas installation. You are welcome.

Moving right along. After a nice relaxed morning we headed over to my in-laws for the remainder of Christmas day. Its a short 3.5 miles from my parents' house. Thankfully. 

Many gifts were opened and tons of good snack foods were eaten. Hannah threw a MAJOR tantrum when I took away the tube of toothpaste she received in her stocking. Which lead right into a nice long afternoon naptime for her:) Charlotte skipped nap and did fairly well (fueled by sugar and cheese). She kept Great Grandpa BUSY opening all of her packages and assembling all the tiny little pieces. Charlotte also claimed most of Hannah's gifts as her she was one happy camper!

Hannah was sneaky and opened this one early:)
Waiting patiently...


sneaky, sneaky.

Admittedly Isaiah had the toughest time with the gift opening this year. Correction: his troubles started when I "tortured him" by making him take a picture with his sisters before gift opening. It was ugly. No picture to be shared here. Sorry. His problem during gift opening was that he noticed immediately that both his sisters had more gifts than him. (Plus many of his gifts were not toys, which as we all know hardly count as gifts when you are a kid.) And the problem with being six is that the NUMBER of gifts is what matters NOT the amount spent on them. So sadly he was disappointed and therefore appeared quite selfish and ungrateful (which is NOT how I would normally describe him). Meanwhile his little sisters were completely oblivious to the inequality and living it up in the spotlight. Its tough being the oldest. Poor kid. My heart hurt a bit for him.

One of my favorite memories from Christmas with my inlaws this year was the dinner. Or lack thereof. Joe's parents provided the ham. I brought a hot veggie (green bean casserole. original, I know). Joe's sister was supposed to bring dinner rolls. There were none. Joe's uncle was supposed to bring potatoes. There were none. And Joe's brothers were supposed to bring pies. There were none. BUT one brother did show up with oreos and fruit gushers! So there was dessert. Sorta. Kinda.

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