
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

By some miracle it happened. I managed with MUCH ASSISTANCE from my mom and a little assistance from my kids to pull off a real Thanksgiving feast! We had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato pie casserole, rolls and a homemade pumpkin pie! And (thankfully) it all turned out. I was pleasantly surprised with every bite that A) it tasted good and B) that I managed to serve everything at the same time at the correct temperature! And as an added bonus no one got food poisoning. Which, sadly, has happened to company at my house before.  Terribly embarrassing and completely true:(


Someone didn't want her picture taken with her sister...

Besides feasting, we spent the weekend talking, playing cards and just hanging out. Joe of course was off learning to save lives. He is an overachiever like that:) My dad was brave enough to take all three kids to the park...multiple times! And my mom brought knitting supplies so we all learned to knit. Isaiah made a baby doll hat for Hannah (for Christmas). And I made the girls a few scarves by finger knitting.  Oh and thanks to this great little tutorial I made myself (and my mom) an infinity scarf/cowl. I might just make a few more for the craft fair next week. Time will tell.

Clearly she was thrilled about her new scarf...
and taking a picture with mom:)

In under 3 hours we went from Thanksgiving feasting to
decorating for Christmas. It was CRAZY.


  1. Replies
    1. Sometimes life is just lovely...this weekend was one of those times:)
