
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Kids

We also went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend with our Wisconsin friends. This was our sixth annual trip to our favorite  pumpkin patch & apple orchard with our best  friends. Six years! Sheesh. I can't believe we haven't missed a year. Well Joe has missed a year (or two) but that's a different story. Darn medical school.

This year we lucked out with a beautiful, sunny and warm day to enjoy together. The afternoon was filled to the brim with childhood fun. Feeding farm animals, riding the spinning apple, climbing the hay pyramid, braving the slightly scary haunted house, finding Charlie in the corn maze, tractor rides, picnicking and of course apple picking and tasting. 

Admittedly before the fun could begin we forced the children to take their annual group picture(s) by the pumpkins + family pictures. Bribing may have been involved. Okay for my kids it was definitely used. Cuteness like this just doesn't happen accidentally. 

Well back in 2008 - our first year - the cuteness was purely coincidental. But that's just what happens when you put three cute babies in a field of pumpkins! But since then we have had to up our pumpkin patch game. Older children and more babies make it more challenging but we, the crazy pumpkin patch moms, thrive on this kind of challenge. 

See we don't just  go to the pumpkin patch. No. NO!  That's not our style. First we think about and then plan our kids' pumpkin patch outfits that must coordinate (within the family unit...not the entire group). We call each other about potential outfits and even send each other "trial run" pictures. This process can last days. Or weeks. Okay sometimes even years. See Charlotte's pumpkin tights? I bought those TWO years ago (at a garage sale) for the sole purpose of using them on our annual pumpkin patch outing. And they look darling:)

But I realize this is kind of ridiculous. Okay really ridiculous. But it's just what we do. And the result? Ridiculously cute pictures. Like these:

Yes, we bring photo props. We are just that  crazy. But who cares?! It's totally worth it:) So if you happen to see us and all of our crazy photo sessions going down at the pumpkin patch please don't judge us too harshly. Underneath all that crazy we are just regular old moms. Moms with a little too much time on our hands perhaps:) And when we see you hanging out at the pumpkin patch in your regular old uncoordinated t-shirt and jeans (gasp!) we will try to not judge you  too harshly. Because that is what normal people do, right? Go to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch in their regular what-I-happen-to-be-wearing-today outfits.  I guess we just aren't normal enough. And I am okay with that. 

At least someday when my kids are in therapy because of the torture they endured under the guise of "having fun at the pumpkin patch", I will have all these adorable pictures to enjoy. 

P.S. Only two of the three moms are truly crazy outfit planners. For the sake of protecting my friends I won't tell which one is the most normal of the three:)


  1. I LOVE the walk down memory lane! Thanks for posting all those pictures. I seriously feel like the first year was like yesterday. Man these years have FLOWN by. But we have made some pretty awesome memories along the way for sure!

    1. I know! I can't get over the fact that this was our SIXTH year! Crazy. And sorry the walk down memory lane was so blurry...still fun to see though:)
