
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

To sew or not to sew...

that is the question!

See this shirt? The blue one I wore for Isaiah's 4th birthday party. I chose it because it was Superman blue. Or something like that. 
And this dress....
Neither of them fit me well/right. Clearly the blue shirt is not flattering of the post-babies muffin top belly. Yikes! At the time I thought I looked good. And the dress is just a tad too big:( 

These two pieces of clothing have become my newest potential sewing project. The fact that they were my outfits for my kids' birthday parties in 2011 is total coincidence!

I am thinking about attaching the skirt of the dress to the shirt to make it a NEW dress of sorts. Oh and I would shorten the skirt a bit. 

A rough visual aide:
I promise it is the same blue shirt. One picture used a flash and the other didn't. Who knows. It's cute, right?! Especially if I had a chunky white necklace to go with it! Which I don't. But I could remedy that. Oh and of course I would attach the skirt just high enough to cover that 3 baby muffin top. 

So yay? Or nay? 

I really shouldn't be focusing on this. I have many things on my to-do list. Many things that should take priority over sewing for fun. Like packing my son's lunch for his first day of first grade tomorrow! Wow. Where did summer go?! Oh and I probably should make that cute "first day of school photo prop" that seems to be a parental requirement these days:) Maybe once those things are done I will reward myself with that cute white necklace....


  1. I think this would be totally adorable!!! What a creative way to re-purpose those 2 items. I am terrible at ideas for re-purposing. Must just be your and your great logistical mind. :)

    1. Funny. I was going to bring these with me next week to ask your opinion! This way was much easier:) I think it is cute...Joe doesn't agree. So I am still hesitant to pull the trigger...

  2. I don't have a clue...does that help?

    1. NOY AT ALL!
      But I think I am goimg to go for it...
