
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Brave. Or stupid?

Two of my best friends (+ three of their children) came to visit this week. And today we decided to see the sights of Chicago!

That would be 3 moms + 6 kids ages five and under! And because we like to make things extra fun (challenging?) we rode the train into the city and then walked everywhere. The moms and strollers got a nice 9 hour loooong workout.

The sights included Millennium Park & "The Bean", Grant Park & Buckingham Fountain, and The Shedd Aquarium. There may or may not have been a few melt downs and tears shed spread out over the 5+ miles we traversed. Not to mention a tulip petal or two consumed (inadvertently pictured below). But the memories created! Oh the memories are so sweet and treasured.

Isaiah's favorite memories made: picnicking by The Bean, the yellow submarine at the aquarium and watching the pigeons on Jesus (on the outside of St. Someone's cathedral).

Charlotte's favorite memories made: riding the train, playing with friends and waking up in the stroller to a Dunkin Donuts surprise. "I like the frosting not the bread part." And yet she ate the entire thing:)

My favorite memories made: enjoying the blooming trees, tulips & sunshine, chatting with my friends while strolling through the city without a strict schedule/agenda (of course our chats were frequently interrupted by our children's never ending needs and wants OR to correct unacceptable behavior). Such is the life of moms:)

Hannah's favorite memories made: (And I am only speculating...) getting out of the carrier to watch the fish and eating pouches of baby food all day long.

At the end of the day as we were getting off the train and re-loading the kids in the strollers for the final 1/2 mile walk home, I turned to my friend and asked, "Was that fun?!?". She smiled and said yes. But at that moment I wasn't so sure:)

And to the middle aged ladies at the train station this morning that counted the children and then told us how brave we are, I ask "Or are we just plain stupid?"

Either way I am still waiting for my medal of honor to arrive in the mail for surviving that day with my sanity {somewhat} intact!