
Friday, March 8, 2013


Alternate Title: My Morning.

First I painted these adorable little nails:) We got kind of WILD! Then most of the polish came off in the bath. Bummer.

Then I dusted off a favorite baby toy for our now very stable sitting baby girl. And by “dusted off” I mean scrubbed with windex, baby wipes and a toothpick. Yep that toy is clean! Somewhat related: I love this able-to-sit-and-play-but-not-yet-mobile stage:)

And then I drank a Pepsi from a straw (my new favorite…the straw not the Pepsi). And I was excited when I randomly picked the “right” straw from the box! Why is it the “right” straw? Well it coordinates with the can of course. Sadly this makes me happy. I always enjoy Pepsi, but with the coordinating straw it is just that much better!

Now I must stop before I reveal the fact that the most exciting moment of my day was when the UPS man delivered 3 packages to my doorstep. THREE PACKAGES! Only to be crushed moments later when he took them back. Wrong address. Or I might over share by explaining exactly how I cleaned the crud from the bottom of our toothbrush holder. But alas I will show some self restraint and STOP! Because no one really cares that the the unplanned bath this morning was due to a small accident while playing hide n seek, right? Right. Stopping now…

Wait. This might be informative and helpful. I FINALLY got my SUBSCRIBE option to work for this here blog:) And I stayed up far far too late trying to figure it out. So now if anyone would like follow along via e-mails said person would just have to enter their email address and click the word SUBMIT above and follow the {super easy and quick} instructions.

Done. I promise.

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