
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Science Fair

Last week Joe was the guest scientist at a local Christian school's science fair. The school obviously used the term "scientist" very loosely:) So of course the kids and I tagged along for the fun!  Joe's school was generous enough to allow him to bring several hearts, lungs, brains, bones and models to the science fair.  The students and their parents LOVED handling and looking at all the real organs.  It was a hit.

Hannah was fascinated...okay not really:)

Charlotte chose the heart to hold. She was too interested to look at the camera!

Isaiah really enjoyed studying all the models. The heart was his favorite.

Then Joe spoke for 30 minutes about the heart, lungs and brain. He did an AMAZING job!  He is great with kids (I already knew that)...and he kept their attention with lots of props and audience participation. Seriously I was impressed.


  1. Thanks for linking up with Medical Mondays! That is amazing. I am sure your kids think their dad is the best, and so must the other kids who were there. How fun.

    1. The kids were extremely proud of their dad! It was a fun family which we got to feel somewhat involved in his world:) Thanks for "visiting".
