
Monday, March 18, 2013

Nothing & Everything

Hypothetically if someone asked me at the end of the day {any given day} what I did, I would answer "Nothing". Good thing no one asks me:)

But yet in middle of my day...right smack in the middle of NOTHING I feel like I am doing EVERYTHING!

I bathe my children.
I dress my children.
I wipe noses. And I wipe bottoms.
Sometimes I wipe tears away too.
I make and serve meals.
I make and serve snacks.
I eat the kids' leftovers and call it a meal for me.
I clean up after meals and snacks.
I load the dishwasher.
I unload the dishwasher.
Then I start planning the next round of meals and snacks.
I play transformers and Legos.
I play baby dolls.
I read books. And more and more and more books.
I throw in a load of laundry.
I nurse the baby.
I find the lost shoe. The lost mitten.
I drop Isaiah off at school.
I pick Isaiah up from school.
I help him with his homework.
I grocery shop.
I vacuum.
I wipe down the toilet and sink (not in that order).
I fold and sort laundry. Eventually I put the laundry away.
I referee disputes.
I discipline.
I wash dishes.
I check my email.
I check Facebook.
I read blogs.
I write blog posts.
I pick up toys.
I find homes for all the clutter.

And then I do it all over again the next day.

I guess this is just the nature of the beast. The beast called motherhood. Or at least this stage of motherhood. Maybe it changes once my children are older?!? Time will tell.

So what is it nothing or everything?


  1. That about sums it up, but just think next week we get to do all that together (with Grandma and Grandpa's help)

    1. I am looking forward to us doing nothing together!!!

  2. I completely empathize with you. I am crazy busy but I feel I have nothing to show for it. This list proves you are doing everything during the day! Just keep swimming!
    Stopping by from Mommy Moments link up.


    1. Thanks for stopping by Nicole! Some days I definitely feel like I am swimming up stream:)
