
Monday, January 29, 2018

The LAST day with a two year old.

This morning when Levi got out of bed the first thing Grandpa Paul said to him was, "Levi today is your last day as a two year old". And suddenly, just like that our ordinary Monday morning turned into something much more monumental. Something that needed to be recorded. Documented. Sealed in my memory forever. My last day having a two year old in my home. EVER. Ready or not this day was here. So I was going to record it.

As luck would have it we had a fairly fun Monday morning planned. Mommy & Me exercise class down by the beach followed by a MOPS playdate at the aquarium. So all in all, not a bad day to document! And Levi was a fairly willing participant in my "must photograph every moment" mission.

He's a Texan through and through. As we were leaving for our morning of fun he told me "Mama I'm freezing. I need my mittens" and insisted I went back into the house for said mittens. It was 58 and sunny! Oh and that sweater remained on him until it was a solid 70 degrees outside. 

Highlights of our day include for me: watching Levi watch the dolphins with pure joy radiating throughout his entire body, enjoying the sunshine and beautiful ocean-front views, and Levi keeping his undies dry all morning while out and about. And for Levi his favorites included feeding the sting ray (he thinks the sting ray was trying to eat his hand!), watching the 4D movie and watching the "baby, mommy and daddy fish" swim (ie dolphins).

Levi is such a fun and joyful addition to our family. I can hardly believe he's been ours for 3 years (tomorrow)! And yet at the same time I can barely remember our life without him! He lights up our family and lives. God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave us this kid. Our bubba.

Monday, January 15, 2018

New Year. New Undies.

Not for all of us of course. But this little cutie patootie got new undies this new year:) Paw Patrol of course!

And oh my goodness he is doing so well potty training...thanks to my mom finally starting the process for me. My other kids all potty trained around age 2. This kid probably could have potty trained then as well however I wasn’t ready! One would think that after a solid decade of having a child in diapers I would have been eager to get him in underwear. But nope. Thank you mom for motivating me.

Funny little story. Mostly funny because I wasn’t there and didn’t have to clean up the mess. On Levi’s third day of potty training Joe and I had a date night. And by “date night” I mean an interview dinner for medical students for his residency program. Which means my parents had the kids for bedtime. Which (I think) means my mom does all of bedtime routine while my dad hides. So the story goes like this. Grandma got Levi all ready for bed and tucked him into his crib (with a diaper on). She then gets the girls ready for bed. Tucks them in. Reads a chapter of their book to them.  Then Grandma heads out to the living room to tell Isaiah to get ready for bed. Isaiah is sitting in one of our big comfy chairs reading. This is when Levi announces his presence in the living room. Grandma turns around to find Levi in the other comfy chair. Reading a book. COMPLETELY naked. 

And it just so happens that he chose this book for his reading material that evening....

Grandma quickly discovered that he had taken his pajamas and diaper off in the crib. Peed all over his crib. Including multiple blankets and stuffed animals. Then climbed out and found a good book. 

Like I said funny because I wasn’t there to deal with it!