
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Levi's First Haircut

I don't know what it is about this last baby but I seem to be dragging my feet on a lot of things. Like potty training and transitioning to a big boy bed. Neither of which have happened around here for Levi and most definitely had happened by this age for all of his older siblings. Ok. I kinda do know the reason. He's my last baby. And I am in NO hurry for him to grow up. I'll just keep him a baby forever. Kidding...mostly:) Growing up I was always a little annoyed when my mom introduced me as "my baby" but now I GET IT. Levi is most definitely MY BABY. Even if he is almost 3 years old.  Back to those big milestones. The first haircut. I love Levi's silky blonde baby hair so much that I just couldn't get myself to cut it. I mean I trimmed that back a few times. I couldn't let him have a full on mullet. But an actual HAIRCUT nope. Until today. This morning I was looking at his hair and realizing just how ridiculous it looks. 

So much body in the back and completely flat everywhere else. It was time for a change. Time for him to look a little more like a kid and less like a baby. Initially I was thinking I would take him somewhere to cut his hair. You to a professional. But then my desire to be lazy and stay in my pjs all day won out. And I set up this little DIY haircut station in the living room and turned on Paw Patrols on our TV for this Paw Patrol obsessee and got to work...

And I think it turned out alright if I do say so myself! I mean obviously I am biased.

Its painful smiling for the camera when your favorite show is on! Also 33 months seems like the perfect age for a first haircut. We wouldn't want to rush these things. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

TEN Years of Pumpkin Patches

We had an abnormal cool day here in the beginning of October. Cool enough that Levi was able to wear jeans and a sweater ALL DAY. For reference, we are still currently wearing t-shirts and shorts daily. So despite it being a busy day I decided to take advantage of the fall weather and take my crew to the "pumpkin patch" for our annual pumpkin pictures.(I use that term very loosely as it is literally a bunch of pumpkins in a field next to a church on a busy intersection. It lacks all things I typically associate with pumpkin patches but I digress...) And despite the hurried pace and lack of planning it turned out well. The kids had fun. We bought a couple pumpkins. And I got my picture(s)...more or less!

 I LOVE the pumpkins this much too Levi!

Isaiah did NOT want any pictures taken. Yet he gladly jumped into his sisters' picture. 

See what I am saying about the location?
That's a movie theater behind us and across the street is a McDonalds and a gas station. 

But it just wouldn't be fall for me without a pumpkin patch visit. This was our tenth year of visiting the pumpkin patch with our kiddos. Not sure how that decade went by so fast?! I'm hoping that this is our last year at a pitiful "patch". I mean I know we won't be going back to our favorite patch in Wisconsin but certainly our post-residency town will have something better to offer, right?!? Time will tell.

And because I haven't been the best at blogging these last couple years, here is a look back at all our "pumpkin patch" experiences in Texas:

Fall 2015:

Fall 2016: